Teresa Shields Parker

Teresa Shields Parker is a Christian weight loss author, coach and speaker, who has lost more than 260 pounds. She started her weight loss journey in earnest when she was 51.

Her book, “Sweet Grace: How I Lost 250 Pounds and Stopped Trying to Earn God’s Favor”, is the number 1 Christian Weight Loss Memoir on Amazon. She has three more books, “Sweet Freedom: Losing Weight and Keeping It Off With God’s Help”, “Sweet Change: True Stories of Transformation” and “Sweet Hunger: Developing An Appetite for God.” Sweet Grace and Sweet Freedom study guides are available as well. All books are on Amazon.

She does both one-on-one and group coaching. Check out more about that on her website TeresaShieldsParker.com where she blogs incessantly. You can also reach her on her Facebook Page, Teresa Shields Parker, where she currently has more than 110,000 followers. Check her out on Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter @treeparker.

She lives in Columbia, MO with her husband, Roy. They have been married for more than 40 years, have two grown children and a son-in-law, and have been foster parents to 10 teens and young adults.

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